Hello world! Say hi to a new brand!

BabyMonicaZaldivar Welcome to MonicaZaldivar.com! This is my very first post, at least in my brand new, brand new personal branding blog.

How many wordpresses I have? A handful. How many Wordpress blogs I created? A handful plus a couple of  handful other that friends of mine asked me to create for them. What was my fist blog ever? A quite cool thingy called My Spaces on Hotmail Live! that Facebook revamped not so long ago in something called the Timeline.

Why it took me so long to have my perso-professional blog up with a fancy .com added to my name? Well, because I always considered myself a human being, not a brand. Because I have been what they now call Community Manager without needing to have a blog since forever. But they say now you need to have a blog to be considered A REAL CM.

Yes, that is the reason I created this.

Well, that and also because I love reading, no matter in which material, device, platform, length and language. And therefore, I like writing too.


Happy blogging! Happy reading! Happy branding! Happy socializing! Happy me!

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